30 June, 2020

When The Dark Days Come

There’s this moment when everything settles, you’re in the eye of the storm, everything is at peace. In that moment it feels like it’s going to ok. 

Then it hits you out of no where, it’s like you’re drowning all over again. The worst part this time is that no one seems to notice because they see the good days. They don’t see the waves crashing over your head and you gasping for air. It’s feel like the moment in the titanic film we’re the orchestra is playing but you’re already over bird and the tide is dragging you down. This difference this time is that you’re too tired to fight. 

So you don’t

One In The Same

As a single individual, we're trapped inside our own minds we over analyze and criticize the world around us and the people in it without even fully understanding what we are seeing. What we fail to realize is, in turn, we are one in the same. We all want the same things just in a different form, yet we fight each other trying to get it. Maybe that's why the world's struggling to hold on.

It doesn't make sense to me that there are people out there who mistreat people just becuase they're differnt, just because they don't like the same music as us, they don't dress the same way, or look the same. Most people know what its like to be on the recieving end of the comments or looks of people who don't understand who we are as a peron.