21 August, 2016

What's in my bag?

As Uni draws to an end for the year I have now found the time to empty my bag which is full of all the rubbish that I have collected over the last 11 Months. I'm not saying that I haven't cleaned my bag out for that long, it's just been that long since I have fully emptied it and It's pretty full. I thought it would be interesting to see what is in it...

Let's start with the bag, this is one that I picked up from Primark I don't normally get my bags from there but this one was ideal for what I wanted for Uni. It's a basic black bag, with a pocket in the front and a little pocket on the inside as well. The thing that I like the most about this bag is that it comes with the 2 different straps. You can carry it as a handbag or over your shoulder which I really like being given the option of.

The first thing out of the bag is my folders, these are obviously for my uni work as I had to take them in the other day to get signed off on my practical work. These are just my portfolio work and they should hopefully get a lot bigger over the next 2 years.

Next, we have my planner, I tend to carry this with me everywhere just so I know where I'm going and what I need to do that day. I also use it a lot to write out my to-do lists or if I have inspiration. I'm actually on the lookout for a new planner, so if you know any good places to look please feel free to leave them in the comments section.

I also carry a pencil case with me, the one I have is from Jim Chapmans James and Friend's collection, and I just really like it. It's small and compact so it doesn't take up that much room and I'm able to keep all my pens in it to save me having to dig through my bag everytime I need a pen.

I apparently have a lot of receipts in the bottom of my bag from various shops that I have been too apparently over the last few months. I have them from places like Boots, Subway, and the train station. I'm definitely, not the only person who has a collection of receipts and train tickets in the bottom of their bag am I?

Some of the things I carry in my bag are normal things that people carry like house keys, tissues etc. I also carry other things like paracetamol, plasters, and hand sanitizer because you never know when you might need them. My keys have more keyrings on them than actual keys, one of them is a picture of me and my sister on a ride, another is a tag that tells me my blood group (which is O+ in case you were wondering) I got it sent to me as I donate blood a lot. 

One of the biggest things that I worry about when I go out anywhere is smelling, either because of sweating or having bad breath; so it's no surprise that I have a can of Sure deodorant, as well as Impulse which is more of a perfumed body spray.

The last little things hiding in the pockets of my bag are a couple of lipsticks and some concealer, I don't really like carrying a full bag of makeup with me unless I'm going to be out all day and will need to top it up. However I usually always have concealer and whatever I'm wearing on my lips that day with me as these are the things that tend to fade the quickest and I like to top them up constantly.

That brings me to the bottom of my bag which is full of random little bits, what are some of the things that you carry in your bag? or have collected in there without realizing?  I have also learned that I should probably clean my bag out more often. 

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