16 February, 2016

Stupid Colds!

At the minute everyone in my house is full of colds and thanks to my crappy immune system it eventually all caught up with me. Beginning the most annoying week so far. 

I hate having colds, they are so annoying,  just make you feel crappy, and just forget the concept of looking attractive as there're nothing attractive in a runny nose and a stupid cough. 

As I don't really have the time to be ill with so much going on I decided to take to the Internet and asked people that I knew how to get rid of a cold, these are some of the things I found. 
so I decided to hibernate through
this one

1. Rest Up 

This is just one of the simple things that you are going to have to do, so go grab a massive jumper and wrap yourself in a blanket and just hibernate until it's over. 

2. Hot Shower/Bath 

The heat from the water will help you relax and stop your muscles from aching. Also the steam from the water will help to unblock your nose and help you breathe a little better. Just the act of getting clean will help you feel less icky as well.  

3. Vicks VapoRub 

This stuff to me is a God sent when I have a cold because everything becomes blocked and it gets hard to breathe. So just run a little on your chest, or if it's really bad just mix a teaspoon into hot water and just inhale and let the steam work its magic. 

4. Tissues, Tissues and More Tissues

Probably going to need a lot of this because you are likely to through a lot of them, because by the time the colds in full swing sneezing is a definite. I also have a weird thing were I don't just sneeze once, I sneeze like 5 times in a row every time. 

5. Cold Medicine 

Literally everyone you can buy, I particularly use Buttercup cough syrup which tastes absolutely disgusting but it works. Also if it gets really bad I go for Night Nurse the calpol one because I can't deal with tablets and this stuff works like a dream. 

So those are some of the little things that I have tried to get rid of my cold and they are working! I'd love to hear some of the things you guys do to get rid of colds because I don't have the time to deal with them so any suggestions you have I am open to them.... Please help... 


  1. Awesome cold must haves! Will jot some of these down and feel better :)

    1. Thank you, I find that this as simple things make it a little better :-)
