14 September, 2016

Keyboard Warriors

The advancements that we have in technology in today's world are amazing, you literally have the world at your fingertips. People have never been more connected than they are today, it’s now possible to have a conversation with someone while being at opposite ends of the planet. You can send a text to someone in a matter of seconds, or make a phone call, even make a video call thanks to things like Skype and Facetime. 

 We have the power to say whatever we want, to whoever we want, however we want, when we want; words are a very powerful thing that we possess they can either build a person up or they can tear them down and shatter them into pieces. With this advancement comes another breed of people, Keyboard Warriors, in case you don't know these are the kind of people that decided instead of confronting people when they have an issues they chose to turn to things such as social media like Facebook and post everything on there. Confrontation is not for everyone, I personally would rather get along and if someone had an issue with me or something I did I would much rather they talk to me, and not post indirect rubbish on social media. 

Social media can be an amazing thing in connecting people on a different level, but it can also be a hurtful thing because people seem to forget that what they post on there is available for everyone to see no matter what privacy settings you have. It’s the same with any area of the internet, what you put on it can be viewed by everyone no matter what you try to do once it’s there it can’t be fully taken back. 

Things that get posted out of anger can be really hurtful to people, don’t air your dirty laundry on social media. 

The internet can be this incredible thing as like I said it connects people everywhere constantly, meaning that if you ever need help or want advice from someone they are just a few buttons away. You're not as alone anymore, should you find that you need advice or have a question that you'd like to ask please feel free to email me at hayley1315advice@gmail.com I'm more than happy to answer anything you ask. 

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