26 September, 2016

The Perfect Get Away

Ever been in the scenario where you just want the ground to open up and swallow you whole just so you don't have to be in a certain situation? I have on numerous occasions, such as when you're in a bar and some creepy guy just won't take no for an answer. I mean a girl admires someone who's persistent, but there's a fine line between persistence and denial sometimes you just have to take a hint.

So I'm going to tell you about a very awkward 'date' that I once went on. I suppose with a story like this the best place is at the beginning.

Flash back a few months, this guy who was a friend of a friend, we'd met on a number of occasions but I wouldn't really say we were friends, wanted me to go out with him (at this point I was really busy and just didn't have the time) I had said no on a number of occasions, until eventually I caved and went out for coffee with him. 

I love the idea of coffee dates, they are by far my favourite and it makes me sad that people no longer really go on them, anyways this particular one I really wish I hadn't. Looking back on it know it was rather funny, I went to coffee with him and it was the most painful (Least that's what it felt like) hour and half of my life, and yes it was actually that long I timed it... He was constantly on his phone and impossible to talk to, and when I did get to talk to him some of the things he was saying we're so small minded (which was part of why it was so painful) the fact that he's phone kept pinging every 2 seconds and he'd answer it without hesitation annoyed the fudge out of me, phones are really good because they can bring you closer to people that are miles away, but they take you miles away from the people right there. 

Anyways my great escape, I had managed to text my friend and tell her how bad it was going, turns out she was close by and decided to help me out and called me in hysterics having some sort of a breakdown (at this point she was stood outside the coffee shop where we were) which he completely didn't understand. When I said that I had to leave he didn't seem to mind (I think he was just completely confused at this point) I felt really bad about running out so I paid for the coffee on my way out. 

So yeah one way to get yourself out of situations is to have a friend on call to play the damsel in distress when you need them. 

This guy has kind of ruined the idea of coffee dates for me for now, so please if you do have any good ones feel free to restore my faith in them, that they do exist. 

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