28 October, 2015

10 Tips For A Healthier Day



Life can sometimes be pretty busy, fast pace, and filled with so many unexpected surprises. This tends to make it rather difficult to be fully dedicated to the idea of being healthy, who really has the time to work out at the gym, cook perfectly balance meals throughout the day and do everything else in life. But it doesn't have to be that way, being healthy doesn't have to be a chore with all these fad  dieting tricks that are out there it all appears a little hectic. Here`s 10 everyday tricks/tips to help you on a healthier way with your physical health and appearance.

1. Water Is Your Best Friend: water holds many little health tricks that you wouldn't believe, its also essential for survival, but would you believe it people don't actually drink as much water as they should be. As well as the obvious water also keep not only your body but your skin hydrated and stops if from drying out so quickly. Drinking water though out the day can also help you stop overeating and binging on anything available.
Image result for no diet drinks

2. Avoid Diet Drinks: regardless of what it says on the label they're not actually that good for you, some of the chemicals that go into diet drinks tend to cause bloating and they are just all-round not all that good for you .

3. Eat Breakfast: this is key to starting your day off healthier, they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is. It`s key that you eat something within the first hour of being awake in order to kick-start your metabolism for the day.

4. Plan Your Meals: when you've have a busy day and don't really have the time to prepare a proper meal you tend to just go for the quickest and cheapest option, these aren't always the healthiest. Planning or preparing meals before hand helps you to have more control over what you eat and stops you eating junk that has no benefits for you at all.

5. Move More: I'm not saying you have to throw yourself into some intense work out every day, but by simply adding more steps into your day, like parking a little further away from the shop or walking to wherever you want to go, the little things make a big difference.

6. Get Enough Sleep: It`s recommended that we should have a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night, I know that this is not always possible because life gets in the way, but sleep is one of the most important factors in making you look and feel healthier .

7. Remove Makeup At Night: I am guilty of the whole falling asleep with makeup on, particularly after a long day, but it is important for your skin that you remove your makeup before you go to bed even if its just mascara. Research shows that sleeping with makeup on tends to age the skin a lot faster, leaving it looking dull, dry, and cracked.

8.Exfoliate: This is more for a healthier appearance rather than a healthier lifestyle, but exfoliating helps get rid of any dead skin and just opens up the pores more to breathe so to speak, its rather important in preventing breakouts and stopping skin for cracking.  

Image result for simple moisturizer9. Moisturise: This one I cannot emphasise enough! moisturiser is key to healthier looking skin, particularly in winter as it gets colder skin becomes more prone to drying out and cracking, caking on the moisturiser at night allows the skin to soak it up and helps give it a healthier glow in the morning.

10.Relax: sometime we get so focused on the concepts of being healthier and taking care of ourselves that we forget the most important thing, just breathing. Relaxing is key to being healthier as stressing out about things too much can actually have the adverse effect and rather then helping use be healthier it can actually make use ill.

So those are just 10 little things that I try to do in my everyday life just to make myself a little bit healthier and create healthy habits, both for my physical health and my physical appearance. There are millions of things you can to be just a little bit healthier, let me know what some of yours are in the comments sections.

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