29 October, 2015

Cleaning Makeup Brushes

When it comes to makeup I find that in order for it to work you have to have the right tools, in this case it`s the expanding collection of makeup brushes. The down side to using brushes is that they become dirty very quickly with everything makeup wise and bacteria wise clinging to them, so although it`s a rather mundane task cleaning them is essential. I tend to give mine a rinse in makeup remover after every use, but I aim to give them a full clean at least every week just to make sure that I get rid of all the excess makeup that will have been left behind when I`ve used them.

 My routine for cleaning my brushes is rather straight forward and simple:

1.  I gather all the makeup brushes I have ready to begin cleaning them

2. I rinse the brushes in lukewarm water (keep the tap running to clean the brushes, otherwise you just end up cleaning brushes in dirty water, which defeats the object of cleaning them)

3. I rub soap into the brushes (I tend to use Dove because it`s the everyday soap I have in the house and it`s more of a delicate formula and it leaves the brushes feeling soft)

4. I rinse the brushes off under the water ensure that I`ve got all of them soap out of them

5. I squeeze out any excess water, before leaving them to dry

* when rinsing the brushes off I ensure that the water hasn't got to warm and I run the water down the brushes rather than up, this is because if the water is too hot and gets to the heads of the brushes it sometimes messes with the glue so the bristles start to fall out.

* Because of how long they take to dry after I wash them properly I tend to do it in an evening or after I use them to ensure that they will have time to dry out properly before I use them again.

Cleaning brushes for me is a rather important task as not only does it get rid of the makeup it gets rid of the bacteria that clinging to them. My skin is rather sensitive and tends to breakout in spots at the slightest reaction, so by staying on top of my hygiene with the brushes it tends to stop it happening as often as it would if I were to leave the brushes.


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