24 January, 2016

How To Get Organised

Being organised is something that I constantly try to be but it doesn't always work out, particularly when I have a lot of things going on. So I devised a list of a number of things that I do on an everyday basis to try and stay organised. 

1. Get A Planner- it doesn't really have to be anything fancy, you can pick them up from most shops for a fairly decent price. I just think these are essential and they help you to manage your time and have everything written down so you know what you're doing when. You can pick them up from literally anywhere and are rather cheap, I got mine from WHSmiths.

2. Write A List- by writing a to-do list of everything that you need to do you ensure that you don't forget anything. You also get to cross things off the list helping you to see what you've done. I literally have list wrote done in notebooks and little scraps of paper all over the place.

3. Priorities- when you have a lot to do it's easy to forget things and potentially most deadlines. So by prioritising things means that you won't forget any important. 

4. Week Planner- By planning your week you're able to fully plan out all the things you need to do, which helps to stop you getting overwhelmed and gives you some more structure. I picked one up really cheap from Wilkos, the one that I have is like a notepad so you can take your plan for that week off and carry it around with you. 

5. Break Tasks Down- it can get really overwhelming really quickly when you are faced with a lot of things that you have to do. Which in some cases can result in nothing getting down. By breaking things down into smaller more manageable tasks it makes it easier to focus your attention on what you need to do, and helps you get it done, without feeling the pressure of everything. 

So those are some of the little things that I do to try and be a little more organised with everything that I need to do and to try and help myself keep focuses and not get overwhelmed with everything, because that is an easy thing to do. Personally when I get overwhelmed with everything I have a tendency to do nothing and then everything builds up amazing everything ten times worse for myself. So by doing these little things I manage to get things done when they need to be, what are some of the tips and tricks you have that help you stay organised?  

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