25 May, 2016


For the past 2 weeks I've been using OSHUN White which is an all-natural teeth whitener, I was really excited to try this as teeth are really important to me and I love the idea of having white teeth, but as I have really sensitive teeth I don't really get on with a lot of the whitening products that are out there because they usually have a lot of chemicals in them. What makes this an all-natural product is that rather then it being a cocktail of different chemicals that can be really harsh and damaging, it is coconut oil which is a more natural approach to cleaning and coconut oil can be used for nearly everything else so why not for whitening teeth!

The packaging of the product is really good, as when you order in a box you get what is a 2 weeks supply of them, they come in little packets which contains enough oil for each use.  It is suggested on the little leaflet that comes in the box it works best if you use it once a day, and swirl the content around your mouth for 5- 15 minutes, before you do that it's best to warm the packet up in your hand first because it is coconut oil and when it's cool it sort of sets in a gel that feels really weird in your mouth. 

To make it even better you also get a copper tongue scrapper which makes your mouth feel even fresher as your tongue holds most of the bacteria in your mouth which causes things like bad breath. The fact that it's made of copper makes it all the better as copper is an antibacterial metal so it makes it more hygienic then others. 

Having used it for the full 2 weeks now I have to say I am really impressed with it,  it has really helped to whiten my teeth and it hasn't caused any damage or anything like that ( I had my regular check up at the dentist and he said my teeth are really good) which is what I was a little worried about when I first started using it, the use of the oil combine with the use of the tongue scrapper and my normal routine for cleaning my teeth has made my mouth feel a thousand times fresher, and to me they just look so much better and healthier then what they did before.  If you would like to check some of there products that they have to offer, then you can use this like here OSHUN white shop  which will take you straight to there shop, happy shopping. 

P.s. by using the link I have posted in this blog I will get a tiny amount from any sales you make, which all goes towards maintaining and create the blog/videos that I do, this has in no way effected my opinion of the product, everything I have said have been my honest thoughts and opinion. 

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