06 July, 2016

June Favourites

Pinch Punch it was the first of the month, another month has gone in a split second. June has been a hectic month for both good and bad reasons so my favourites are rather short as the middle/end of the month was filled with some family issues so I haven't really tried too much but here are some of the things I have tried. 

Foundation- as you may know from my holiday posts (that I shall leave the link to here) I went away and spent the week soaking up the sun, which basically made my freckles darker so my foundation didn't cover anymore; meaning I needed a new foundation. I've used the Rimmel 25 hours foundation before so I figured I would give the Rimmel Match Perfection foundation a try and I'm glad I did because the coverage it gives is really great and it blends really well, making it a good drugstore foundation. Also the package that it comes in is also really useful, as it's a pump top meaning that there's less waste compared to when you have the open top ones. 

Seventeen Phawwr Concealer- if you read any of my posts or follow my private or blog Instagram you will mostly know that j have horrendous bags under my eyes regardless of how much sleep I get, so a heavy duty concealer is a requirement in my makeup case. This one by seventeen is defiantly up there with one of the best I've tried as it's reasonably priced, heavy duty coverage but still has a lightweight feel to it, and it's staying power is also pretty good as it lasts for a couple of hours. 

Book- I tried to read at least one new book a month more if I can, this month I read the five people you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. I have read a couple of Mitch Albom's books before and I have loved them, reading this one I didn't want to put it down. I'm not sure whether it's the story that Mitch is trying to tell or the way in which he tells it that gets me hooked. The book is about exactly what the title says, however there is so much more that comes with it, while reading it in a sense helps to understand everyday things that weren't as obvious. If you have the chance then you should definitely give it a read. 

I know this month’s favourites is really short, the reason for that is simply because I've had family issues and I've not really had the time to do anything or go out and try new things, but I promise things are looking up and I will try more things out, let me know if there's anything in particular that you want to see, until next month this is my favourites. 

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