19 June, 2016

Holiday Shopping

By the time this goes live I'll be sat on a beach on Holiday, which I shall be blogging about when I get back as I just want to go and relax, but I will be taking lots of pictures that I will be uploading on my Instagram if you want to check them out my Instagram name is @hayley1315 

So in prep for this holiday as it was so last minute I did a mad dash and bought in a few things that I needed for my holiday and these are a few of the "essential" things that I picked up and really liked.

The first is a jumpsuit that I picked up, I really like how baggy and lightweight the material of this was and the light blue made it a good summer colour. I bought this one from Primark for I belie £8 which is really cheap, you could get it in other colours but I really liked the blue one.

An essential piece of clothing I like in summer and when I go away is thin strap vest tops, I got a lot of this in various colours and patterns I usually only really where them in White but I decided to mix it up a little bit and buy some other patterns. I bought these from a number of different places as you can buy them from almost any clothes shop for really cheap.

I also bought a number of different pairs of shorts, some of which were just casual cotton shorts and some other more dresser shorts to wear in the evening including denim and silk shorts. Again I didn't really buy them from one shop, I got them from places like Primark, New Look, and some from River Island

From Primark I picked up a couple of casual dresses, I really like these kind of dresses as they are basically like a long T-Shirt so they are really soft and comfortable to wear. 

I took a couple of skirts with me, this grey one was one of the ones that I liked most, I picked it up from Primark there were a number of different colours available, I'm not really adventurous in the colours that I wear so I went for the grey one as they are the kind of colours that work better for me.

Sun cream is an essential item that you cannot go away without, especially if you are going somewhere it is hot as some people tend not to wear it because they want to get a tan, but you can still tan even with sun cream you just burn and damage your skin. Protecting your skin is important and should be a priority whenever you're in the sun. I have to wear factor 50 because of how fair my skin is it just burns with the slightest amount of sun.

While in Boots I saw this nifty little Nivea hand luggage set which had all the essential things that I would need in terms of a little moisturiser, a lip balm, and some facial wipes which are really good to carry in your hand luggage to help you freshen up on your travels.

I also like to carry a little bag to carry my essentials like some money and my phone if I take it out with me as I don't really like the idea of carrying a big bag around with me because that is when I'm most likely to lose things. 

If you were to go on holiday right now where would you go? And what 3 items would you take with you?

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