24 October, 2016

Love Doesn't Let Go

At some point, someone said "if you love something let it go" that to me just doesn't make sense why let it go if you claim to love it so much? Letting go is what people seem to be good at, when things get a little tougher they tend to just walk away, how can you honestly just leave if you love someone?

If you love someone, and I don't mean loving having someone around or loving the idea of someone, I mean truly loving someone their faults and all, you shouldn't be able to just walk away. If you love someone or something, then don't ever let go hold on and fight until you have nothing left to give; walking away shouldn't be an option.   

Whatever it is you love don't ever let anyone take it away from you, do whatever it takes to hold on; especially in the bad times. There will always be good times where everything is great and almost picture perfect, but there are also going to be bad times there's not a lot you can do to stop them. It's how you handle the bad times that make the good come more often and last for longer. Love is a beautiful thing if you have you should be grateful for it because sometimes not everyone gets it. a quote from my favourite book is "we accept the love we think we deserve" the truth is we all deserve to be loved and to love, it's one of the things that everyone does deserve, it just takes a little time to find it. When you do find it, hold on for dear life and don't ever give it up without a fight.

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