31 October, 2016

More Than A Number

People are constantly fighting wars, sometimes against themselves, these are the harder ones to win. It's these wars that are the hardest as there is simply no escape, not even inside your own head. People think you're crazy because they don't know what its like to be you, to see the world from your perspective. From the outside, everything may look perfect but inside its a completely different story. 

Whenever people begin to talk about what's going on inside their head or what they are feeling, people tend to just shut it down ignore it and move on because they don't know how to handle it. People know how to fix broken bones, but they're not so sure how to help heal broken minds. 

Society has a way of trying to tell people what they should think, how they should feel, and the way they should look. So instead of seeing ourselves as individual people, we begin to see ourselves as numbers: the number of the scale begins to define our beauty, the percentage we get on the test defines how smart we are, the number of followers we have on social media defines our value, but none of that is true. We are more than a number, we are worth so much more. 

Inside of you, there is a power, there are ideas and thoughts that no one has ever thought of, and strength and courage that some could never imagine having. don't forget that power and don't ever give up on it. Society will try and break you can shape you in a way that it sees fit,  but society is just so ugly. Don't let it change you change it because we are part of society and have the power to make the change and help those fighting wars by showing them that they are not alone. 

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