15 April, 2016

My Commuting Essentials

For those who don't know I am a student at university, but rather then living there I commute. There are various reasons that I choose to commute, the main one being that it was just so much cheaper than the concept of living in student halls and it was close enough for me to commute there. Also my course is split so a lot of my time is spent out on placement in various areas, so it just didn't seem right to live at the uni. 

Whenever I travel, but mainly on my commutes, there are a number of different things that I have to take with me, particularly on uni days. 

One thing that I make sure that I have is money on me, like actually physical money, I know that nearly everything now you can pay on card but what happens when your card doesn't work for whatever reason?  I also like to carry change with me, which although can be annoying it comes in handy a lot of the time. 

Something that I always carry with me is hand sanitizer, not because I'm a germ freak, but more to do with the fact that during the day your hands come in contact with a lot of things and you can easily pick things up. So I just like to be a little extra clean with my hands, mainly out of habit of what I'm taught. 

Tissues are another thing I always carry, as you never know when you're going to need a tissue for whatever reason, or someone else might need one. 

I'm pretty sure if you look in every woman's bag you will find the next thing that I like to carry with me, which is painkillers, because you never know when you are going to need them. 

Sticking with the medical theme I also like to carry plasters with me for various reasons, like if you get a blister or a cut or something. 

A notebook and a bunch of pens which are always swimming around somewhere in my bag, because there's nothing more annoying when you need to write something down or sign something and you don't have a pen. Also when I'm on my travels I tend to come up with a lot of ideas for things like blog posts, or remember things that I have to do which if I don't write down I'll forget again. 

I also carry hair thing, like my tangle teezer to try and keep my hair somewhat tamed, as well as spare hair bobbles and grips just in case I need them. 

Perfume is something that is always an essential that I carry with me, not because it's lifesaving or anything, just because as the day goes on the smells of places you've been tend to stick to your clothing and a quick spritz of perfume sorter freshens them up. Also because smelling bad is kind of gross haha. 

Anyone who has an iPhone will probably agree with me on this, that the battery life of an iPhone is in reality kind of crap. So I always carry a charger pack and well a plug for the actually charger, just so I can keep roping my phone up and making sure it's charged. 

A drink is also something that I always try to take with me, just because it's important and I feel that if I carry water and things with me then I am more likely to actually drink them, so I do actually drink enough water for the day. 

Chewing gum/ mints are sown thing that I like to carry with me because I'm not a fan of when your mouth dry'

s out and it leaves the disgusting taste in your mouth, also I like having fresh breathe all day haha. 

So yeah those are the essential things that I typically carry, as well as any other bits and bobs that I may need for whatever I'm going to do. Basically I carry a load of rubbish in my bag just in case I need it. I'm thinking of doing a "what's in my bag" in one of my next couple of posts just to show you guys how bad it actually is. So until then, what are some of the essential items you like to carry? 

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