15 April, 2016

To Help You Sleep At Night...

Not sleeping is a big issue that a lot of people have, me included, this can be for a number of different reasons lately I've found that I just can't sleep at all so have been pretty much running on caffeine.

I spent some time googling what can help you have a good night sleep and a lot of different things came, so I tested some of them out and here's some that I've found to actually help...

1. Have the right temperature- if it's too hot in a room I cannot sleep at all because you just get sweaty and is gross, I prefer to sleep in a room which is more of the cold side because it helps your body to switch off and cool down. 

2. Don't eat too late- Eating right before you go to sleep or late at night can make it more difficult to fall asleep.

3. Relax your mind- The day can be stressful and busy, sometimes things can happen that just lay on your mind and at night this is when this can be worst. I find that by doing some like reading (or writing) helps to relax my mind a lot more ready for bed. 

4. Cut down caffeine- This is one that I struggle with because I need a lot of caffeine to get through the day. The effects of most caffeine hangs can last 12 hours so try avoid caffeine after noon. 

5. Turn off the technology- This may be difficult but avoid using things like phones and laptops right before bed as the blue lighting of the screens actually trick your internal body clock into thinking it's actually day time. 

6. Avoid exercising late- Exercise is important but try not to do a big power work out late at night because the rush of endorphins won't help you sleep. If you have to exercise late try some light yoga. 

7. Try a hot drink- A hot drink doesn't have to be tea, although chamomile or lavender tea are said to help relax your body, you can always try warm milk just soothe and relax you. 

8. Clock out- In this world it's rather hard to as times gone on getting in contact with people has become so easy which makes clocking out so much harder. When you're going to bed silence the phones turn off the lights and the computers and just go to sleep. 

Those are a couple of the tricks I've found that have somewhat helped to improve my sleep, and help me fall asleep faster. What are some of your night time routines that help you get to sleep? Share all your tips and tricks and help the 3am club sleep haha. 

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